
“Let the shameful walls of exclusion finally come tumbling down” is the directive that former President George Bush gave us when he signed the ADA into law 30 years ago, on July 26, 1990.

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) uses medical examiners (MEs) to conduct examinations and certify that the 6.1 million active interstate and intrastate commercial motor vehicle drivers meet the physical requirements for safety. The National Registry of Certified Medical Examiners (National Registry) allows qualified medical providers to become certified to serve as MEs in support of these efforts. Currently, FMCSA has certified over 69,000 MEs.

Through a subcontract with Aveshka, Inc., New Editions provides Section 508 support services to the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR). We have been contracted to provide Section 508 consulting expertise to assist ASPR in such tasks as:

National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM), which lasts the month of October, will celebrate the contributions of workers with disabilities and inform employers about the value of including employees with disabilities. 

New Editions analyzes the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research’s (NIDILRR's) Annual Performance Report (APR) data through a subcontract with RTI International. The purpose of the APR is to collect data from NIDILRR’s grantees concerning their project foci, activities and progress, and contributions to society’s capacity to provide opportunities and accommodations to citizens with disabilities.

Under a subcontract with Insignia Federal Group, New Editions supported the Technology & Accessible Resources Give Employment Today (TARGET) Center, which assists the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) in addressing a wide spectrum of accessibility and accommodation interests for agencies and employees. Solutions provided included individual technology accommodations, ergonomic design and injury prevention, emergency preparedness, training and education, and the expansion of innovative practices to enhance the USDA employer of choice capability.

March 8 is International Women’s Day. The theme of this year’s campaign is #PressforProgress, a call-to-action to press forward and make progress toward gender parity by uniting together in our communities, schools, legislatures, and workplaces to support a gender-inclusive environment. As a woman-owned and women-led company, New Editions celebrates the advancement and achievements of women in our office and around the world.

Through a subcontract with Octo Consulting, New Editions provided Section 508 support to HRConnect and its associated applications. The HRConnect Product Suite is offered as an Office of Personnel Management (OPM) officially designated Human Resources Line of Business (HRLOB), Shared Service Center (SSC). OPM’s designation enables the U.S. Department of the Treasury to offer interoperable, portable and scalable HR/payroll solutions across the federal space.

This banner is used to promote the National Clearinghouse of Rehabilitation Training Materials’ (NCRTM’s) services at conferences, meetings and other events.

This poster is designed to promote the Office of Disability Employment Policy's (ODEP's) Accessible Systems Racing League (ASRL), which was created to assist federal contractors ascertain that their career sites are accessible to people with disabilities.