Technical Assistance to States for Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS)

New Editions assists the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) in the national implementation of regulations, particularly in regards to ensuring that beneficiaries receiving home and community-based services (HCBS) live and work in settings that are home and community-based and are integrated into the community. In March 2014, CMS published regulations to improve Medicaid HCBS by providing increased guidance on person-centered planning and by clarifying what protections must be in place when restrictions are imposed on individual rights. Under this contract, New Editions develops and implements tools, protocols and guidance materials to assist CMS and the states in the consistent and accurate implementation of these requirements. Specifically, New Editions:

  • Coordinates and conducts education and training activities regarding the HCBS regulations. This includes developing education and training materials, tools and processes; hosting webinars; and conducting on-site and remote trainings on issues related to HCBS.
  • Assesses state compliance with HCBS statutes and regulations. New Editions performs document reviews using approved protocols to ensure that states' transition plans and activities comport with these regulations.
  • Maintains the HCB Settings Tracking Tool, an online database used by New Editions, CMS and state staff to maintain current information on states’ progress toward compliance.
  • Compiles and analyzes data and makes recommendations for future policy. This involves distinguishing trends; tracking national status; identifying potential long-term solutions to assist states in maintaining compliance with regulations; and identifying potential policy considerations.